Mandi is a wife and a mother of two young adult children who lives in the Sunny Coast of Australia. She is married to her best friend and enjoys taking long walks and loves to skip in the rain.
She is a fellow pilgrim of faith. A spiritual director and a soul friend.
As a published author and speaker, she enjoys crafting stories to tell the truth in beautiful and creative ways across various continents and in diverse contexts.
Her greatest adventure involves her lifelong discipleship journey being apprenticed to Jesus.
She is passionate about prayer, captivated by nature and hungry for anything holy.
She is a prodigal of grace, and her love language is dark chocolate, and anything salted caramel.
Since her childhood she has loved stories, and she believes that we are built for narrative and nourished by it.
She affirms that we constitute the galaxy of our world with stories in powerful and formative ways, and it becomes the horizon we journey towards. Stories invite us into unexplored places.
Ultimately, we must all answer the question:
What story do I believe in? What story am I a part of?